All CMPD employees, sworn and non-sworn, are members of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Benevolent Fund and the employees are represented by a Board of Trustees which is comprised of sworn and non-sworn employees of all ranks and titles. The Benevolent Fund operates according to strict bylaws as recommended by the Board of Trustees and agreed to by Benevolent Fund members. The members of the Board of Trustees are unpaid volunteers and the Benevolent Fund has no paid employees and no indirect overhead costs.
The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Benevolent Fund has it origins back into the early 1950’s and was known at that time as the Charlotte Police Insurance and Benefit Fund. In 1960, the organization changed its name to the Charlotte Policeman's Benevolent Fund and in those years the Board of Trustees voted to give a pre-cooked Turkey or Ham to retired employees at Christmas rather than sending the retired members a Christmas card with a $5.00 or $10.00 bill enclosed.
In addition to financial assistance to our employees, the Benevolent Fund is a co-sponsor, of the annual CMPD Retirement Banquet and provides retirement watches and plaques to every employee who retires from the Department. Each year, during National Police Week, the Benevolent Fund sponsors a BBQ get together for our current and retired employees.
Throughout the past fifty plus years, the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Benevolent Fund has relied on donations from citizens and companies throughout Mecklenburg County. In the early 1990’s, in an effort to become less reliant on donations and more self sufficient, the Board of Trustees voted to open a Benevolent Fund “store” which sells CMPD logo merchandise primarily to CMPD employees. In 2006, the Board of Trustees voted to begin selling CMPD merchandise to the public. 100% of the profits from the sale of all merchandise goes directly to the benevolence of Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police employees.
The Charlotte Mecklenburg Police Benevolent Fund is a 501(c)9 organization. Donations received assist employees of the Charlotte Mecklenburg Police Department who are dealing with financial hardships.

The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Benevolent Fund is a 501(c)9 IRS qualified Non Profit organization organized to provide for the benevolence (or financial assistance) of Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police employees during times of personal crisis or hardship. The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Benevolent Fund is a completely separate entity from the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department (CMPD).

100% of all profits go directly to The Charlotte Mecklenburg Police Benevolent Fund so that we can continue our mission to help those who help others.